Plane Crazy USA
By Michael Reisig
Plane Crazy USA was the original brainchild of Greg Booher, who has spent most of his life around airplanes, and willingly identifies himself as having been a “ramp rat” since he was old enough to sit in an aircraft. His wife, Tabitha, was also raised around aircraft and holds a variety of ratings as well, from multi-engine, and instructor, to commercial pilot. It’s easy to see why they call themselves “a match made close to heaven.”
Tabitha was born in the small town of Chilhowee, Mo. She graduated from high school there – in a class of six, then went on to Central State University, graduating with a two-year degree in Aviation and a four-year degree in Aviation Technology.
“My dad owned a Yellow Pages company and flew a lot with his business,” Tabitha Booher recalled. “I went to work flying for him and stayed with his company for 15 years. I got married, and later got divorced, but in the process our airplane was refitted at Ultimate Engines and repainted by Mena Aircraft Painting at Mena Municipal Airport in 2001. I found I loved this area right off. I felt like God had led me here and I wanted a place in Polk County. About that time I found the property of my dreams—Riverbend—117 perfect acres on a beautiful river, just before Cherry Hill.
“I had a houseboat at Dale Hollow Lake in Tennessee,” she continued. “My husband to be, Greg, managed the airport where I flew into to get to my houseboat. We met and got to know each other, then started dating.”
Greg Booher was born and raised in Livingston, Tennessee. He gravitated to the flying business at an early age and never looked back.
“My dad started flying in 1974, and over the years he owned several airplanes,” he recalled. “I was involved in vocational mechanics classes in high school and it seemed like anytime someone was working on an airplane at the airport, I had my nose in it. Dad bought and sold cars, tractors, and airplanes, and I spent a lot of time working on those for him. I remember in the beginning, I traded mechanical work for flight time to get my pilot’s license.
“Later I went to work for an Exxon distributor for a while, then slid into aviation in the early 1990s,” Greg continued. “I got my A&P certificate, and started picking up and delivering aircraft for people who were having repairs done. In 1996, my hometown airport needed a manager and I took the job, running the FBO and the maintenance facility for over 13 years. Like Tabitha said, we met at the airport and after dating for six weeks we decided to get married. So, when my contract with the airport expired we moved to the property outside Cherry Hill. In the interim we had two children.”
In September of 2009, the Boohers decided to take Greg’s old company name, Plane Crazy USA, and began working toward several goals. One of which is the creation of an “areo ranch” offering affordable adventures and camping at a fly-in and RV park on their Riverbend property, including fishing, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing, and exploring. They have a beautiful 3,300-foot airstrip where families can fly in and enjoy the facilities.
“In addition, we offer aerial photography,” Tabitha Booher said. “Prices start at $100 for custom work – a picture of a specific house, property, business etc. You get up to 100 pictures to choose from and you can pick five of these to be set into an 8X10 color format. Prices go up from there, and we have the equipment to do panoramic photos as well.”
“We also buy and sell aircraft,” Greg added. “We broker aircraft, and we do pre-buy inspections. Being a pilot and a mechanic, I’m in a unique position to qualify aircraft for purchase. We also sell cattle, horses, and antique vehicles. At present we have a Bonanza, a twin engine Comanche, a Cherokee 140, and a Cessna 150 on our strip. We’re looking to buy, sell and broker aircraft for anyone in our area. Just call us at 479-243-8100.”
Tabitha said they both love Riverbend and Polk County, and they feel like they have found their home. “We both grew up in small towns and we love the freedom this area offers – the great scenery and the great people,” she added. “This is our forever place.”
Story Courtesy of: Michael Reisig and the Polk County Pulse, April 28, 2010 issue.
