Dexter Miniature Cattle
We are members of American Dexter Cattle Association, and our cattle are registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association. We specialize in halter-broke, gentle Dexters for pets, breeding and showing.

Below is our herd sire, Wieringa's Nanu LD.


We have been raising Dexter cattle since 2007 for temperament, conformation, and beef. Dexters are extremely versatile and are used for beef, dairy, and oxen. Miniature cattle have many attributes that we find are best suited to today's small farms. They are the ideal homestead or family cow.

Dexters are our choice for many reasons. We suggest you go to www.Dextercattle.org to research them for yourself! You will find them irresistible!!


Seth Hall won Grand Champion at the Houston Livestock Show with one of our heifers, DDMT Mary Francis. Congratulations Seth! www.DexterCattleFarm.com
Plane Crazy USA at River Bend Aero Ranch 228 River Bend Lane Mena, Arkansas 71953
Phone: 479-243-8100